Let’s skip that part, shall we? The stuffy introductions and talk of the weather. I’m just a mess of a gal anyway who happens to be loved by an unrelenting God. We should also pretend this is happening over coffee. For obvious reasons—like caffeine. I’ll have an iced mocha and a shot of your story.
Hey there! I’m Jenn. A southpaw, old soul, and real-life enthusiast who’s constantly chasing hard questions, true meaning, and wild children. I married a country boy turned business entrepreneur turned pastor at Life.Church. And I’ve personally meandered from climbing the corporate ladder to serving in vocational ministry to being a full-time mama, content writer, host of The Messy Table Podcast, and an unexpected chicken lady.
I crave authenticity, good books, and the sea. I despise when someone uses the treadmill right next to mine (especially when there are ONE BILLION others available). While I am an extrovert and a people-person, the rule is simple: Skip a machine and leave room for Jesus.

It might sound like the cheesy answer, but I actually mean it. I’m captivated by the One who sewed the galaxies together with His mysterious bare hands and still buries Himself in the details of our lives. Wrestling with God is one of my favorite pastimes and, thankfully, He doesn’t seem to mind. He’s madly in love with us, even when we don’t quite understand or feel worthy of such unfathomable grace. My obsession runs deep for preserving and sharing this epic love story.
My heart beats fast for the guy who’s kept my toes warm every night for fourteen years. Derek is loaded with wisdom, one-liners, and legit mouse-hunting skills. Our kiddos, Hallie and Jack, are our world. They are spicy and hilarious and bold and compassionate. I love each of them each so fiercely I can barely stand it. My greatest adventure has been running hard after Jesus with a fiery bunch of family and friends.
Not just my church or your church, but the Church—both local and global. Not a building, not a specific denomination, but ANYONE who calls on the name of the Lord. We Christ-followers are on one team, each possessing the same blood type: the blood of Jesus. His love permeates borders and languages and skin colors. Because we all have issues and we each need a Savior, but we’re better together. Nothing is more stunning than the universal Church locking arms for The Greatest Mission on Earth.

I don’t want to live this life half-asleep. I want to live it fully—wide awake. Because this isn’t a drill, a game, or a rough draft. Have you taken a good look around lately? The hour is late, the day is urgent, and now is not the time to start wasting our lives. We’ve been put on this planet, at this particular point in history, for such a time as this.
So, the drum of my heartbeat is doing whatever it takes with whatever I have to point others to the Creator God and King of kings—because I know what He’s done in my life. How desperately I still need Him. Though miles and lightyears and worlds from perfect, I am somehow deemed worthy by the only One who is. This is His story. Yet He’s invited us to play a part.
It’s not about some superficial faith or plastic religion, but a genuine relationship with a very real God. The raw essence of Christianity is surrendering our own weaknesses while clinging to His abundant strength. The Church itself is simply a melting pot of imperfect believers who have been rescued because of the wonderfully upside-down ways of redemption.

I’m not claiming my own awesomeness. Just His.
Because this isn’t about me and this isn’t about you. It’s about Jesus—the main subject and point of this thing. The beginning and the end. But luckily for us, we happen to be the objects of His great affection. As prized image-bearers, our primary mission is to love Him and to love others; to know Him and to make His name known. This, my friend, is what it’s all about.