Grab some coffee and pull up a chair. Whether you’re coming from the trenches of motherhood, marriage, ministry, the marketplace—or some mishmash in between—you are welcome here.
If you’re looking for grace-filled encouragement through blog posts or podcasts, you’ve come to the right place. This space you’ve stumbled into is unforced and imperfect; the virtual equivalent of my messy kitchen table. Where it’s okay to spill milk, linger after dinner, and bring tough questions to the worn and sticky surface. Where dishes are clanking and kids are squealing and rich conversations are in the process, just as we all are. Where the sacred ordinary and holy regular collide into a deliciously rare blend.
This is where I remind myself what really matters and invite you to do the same. Feel free to raid the fridge, kick off your shoes, and stay as long as you’d like.

Grab some coffee and pull up a chair. Whether you’re coming from the trenches of motherhood, ministry, the marketplace—or some mishmash in-between—you are welcome here.
If you’re looking for grace-filled encouragement, The Messy Table Podcast is the perfect place to start. This space you’ve stumbled into is unforced and imperfect; the virtual equivalent of my messy kitchen table. Where it’s okay to spill milk, linger after dinner, and bring tough questions to the worn and sticky surface. Where dishes are clanking and kids are squealing and rich conversations are in the process, just as we all are. Where the sacred ordinary and holy regular collide into a deliciously rare blend.
This is where I remind myself what really matters and invite you to do the same. Feel free to raid the fridge, kick off your shoes, and stay as long as you’d like.